Nomination Form for Community Champion Awards 2024
The Ramsgate Society together with Ramsgate Town Council is proud to announce the Community Champion Awards 2024, an event...
Could You Step Up and Join Our Committee?
Could you join us as a trustee and committee member of the Ramsgate Society? Click ‘read more’ to learn more.
Clock House Regeneration – Still Alive and Kicking
Despite recent funding disappointments the critical work on the Clock House continues to move forward.
Plans for East Cliff Shelter Renewal
We will be heading to the East Cliff shelters soon and volunteers welcomed.
Ramsgate Heritage Action Zone Draws to a Close
Ramsgate’s Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) has reached the end of its fifth and final year and we include a digest of activities from their closing press release.
Ramsgate Port application by TDC provokes strong reactions
TDC plans for Berths 4/5 have been widely criticised. Click to see the response from The Ramsgate Heritage and Design Forum
Update on Our Conservation Area Tree Planting
A year on from our planting of 50 trees most are flourishing but nine now need replacing – more details to follow
Ramsgate Conservation Appraisal Report by Historic England
This report comes near to the end of the five-year HAZ programme. How can we help ensure it makes a real difference?
TDC Local Plan Update The Elephant in the Room
The Ramsgate Society has responded to the invitation to comment on Thanet District Council’s proposals for a “partial”...
Chairman’s Review of 2021
John Walker looks back on an extremely active year for the Society and gives an optimistic view of prospects for 2022
Levelling Up and the Clock House
An end of year update on the Ramsgate
Society proposals included within the
successful TDC levelling up bid
Become a Member
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February 27th Talk on John Smeaton: The Making of an Engineering Genius
Julia Elton will talk about the civil engineer pioneer John Smeaton: his background, and his career including his work on Ramsgate Harbour
January 2025 Monthly Members Newsletter
Dear XXXXX, Welcome to our first newsletter of 2025. We start the new year with booking for both January and February talks on two subjects closely linked to our Heritage Harbour. We also celebrate the December awards of Community Champions for 2024 and give you...