Thanks to a passer-by for taking this photograph
In the last newsletter we reported that the Nelson Crescent Residents Assn. requested volunteer support to renovate the shelters on Nelson Crescent and The Paragon. The start date was to be Monday 27th September but that was always to be weather dependent.
In the end we decided to start work on the shelters on 30th September, after the visitors had left and the 200th Harbour celebrations had finished. We managed a couple of days washing and preparing and then the weather changed!! Rain! Wind! and it was certainly not the best conditions for painting or anything else – one couple, however, Gareth & Carol, did do some prepping inside the shelters on the Paragon! Admirable!
Josy Alves sanded down and oiled two of the benches, also admirable, as I stayed in doors!!!! The weather has now taken a turn for the better but 3 of the team are on holiday so we will restart very soon and sincerely hope that the weather holds! We also have some serious wood replacement to do but we need our carpenter friend, Tony Smith, to do that.
We have nearly finished the painting on one shelter and the prepping has nearly all been done on the other three, so we need to get on with the painting next week.
The helpers so far have been Tony Smith, Gareth & Carol Cox, Josy Alves, Roger Mellor, Becky Wing, Anne Peers and of course Raushan turned up on Thursday and helped us to put the masking tape around the windows. If you can lend a hand to volunteer do email me and I can tell you when we are able to be on site.