Linked Documents

An archive of documents linked to Ramsgate Society posts, reports and consultation submissions.

Nomination Form for Community Champion Awards 2024

The Ramsgate Society together with Ramsgate Town Council is proud to announce the Community Champion Awards 2024, an event dedicated to recognising and celebrating the outstanding contributions of individuals and groups within our community. These awards highlight the...

Climate Myths and Why They Are Wrong

Common Myths about Climate Change and why they are wrong The earth’s climate has always changed. True, but the changes happening in the past took hundreds of thousands of years, now they’re happening in decades. And global temperatures are at their highest since...

TDC Fund Merger Projects

The Merger of Ramsgate Levelling Up Scheme and Future High Street Fund List of Current Projects In 2021, Ramsgate was awarded £2.7m to support two projects to improve the centre of the town, and £19.8 million from the government Levelling Up Fund.  Here is a reminder...

Mayors Speech East Court 23rd Sept 2023

Speech from the Mayor of Ramsgate, Patricia Moore, upon the occasion of the unveiling of the Blue Plaque for Dame Janet Stancomb-Wills at East Court, 3pm on 23rd September 2023 Good afternoon and a very warm welcome to you all. As the Mayor of Ramsgate in 2023, I am...

Chairman’s Report from our 2023 Annual General Meeting

Ramsgate Society Chairman’s Report AGM 6th July 2023 I am pleased to report that the Society has been very active since our last AGM and I set out below a brief summary of some of our recent activities. Planning. Heritage and Regeneration, Local Plan. The Society is...

Ramsgate Heritage Action Zone Draws to a Close

Ramsgate’s Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) has reached the end of its fifth and final year. Launched in 2017 and funded by Historic England (£450,000), the Heritage Action Zone is one of ten original schemes across England, set up to breathe new life into historic places...