Did you know that you can claim Gift Aid on your annual subscription to the Ramsgate Society?

Being a registered charity, The Ramsgate Society can reclaim from HMRC an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. That’s as long as you are a UK tax payer and make the donation from your own funds. Gift Aid is important for charities, and means millions of pounds extra go to the charity sector. Each time an eligible tax payer donates and forgets to Gift Aid the donation, the charity misses out.

If you would like to Gift Aid your subscription to the Ramsgate Society it’s really simple.

By clicking here, you will see a form to fill in and then automatically submit to our Treasurer – that’s all you have to do and it costs you nothing. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can print off the form, fill it in by hand and post it to: The Treasurer. Ramsgate Society. Custom House. Harbour Parade. Ramsgate CT11 8LP. By completing a Gift Aid declaration, you will enable the Society to claim Gift Aid on any subscriptions and donations you have made over the past four years as well as any you may make in the future.

If in the past you signed up to Gift Aid for the Society you will have already received a separate email. For everyone else, whether new member or old, please consider Gift Aid being added to anything you have paid over the last four years and to keep being added in the future until you request otherwise. As I said, it doesn’t cost you anything to do but it can make a significant difference to our income as a registered charity.

John Walker

Ramsgate Society Chairman