We had a very good litter pick earlier today – Sunday 27th October – supported by Ramsgate Town Council and Thanet District Council.


We were lucky with the weather and this helped us have a great turn out of approximately 40 volunteers, including several families who had learnt about it via their children’s schools.  The promise of sweets and stickers at the end of the litter pick helped!


One little girl and her Dad turned up to help and they had only moved into Ramsgate last week!


Between us we collected many sacks full of litter, which Maxine from the Ramsgate Town Team took away for disposal and reported several sites where there was broken glass found and bulky rubbish which she will arrange to have cleared as soon as possible.


A huge thank you to everyone who helped with the preparation, advertising and being there on the day to make the event both successful and enjoyable!


Susanne Ford

Lead on Events and Community Engagement