March 2023 Monthly Members Newsletter



Welcome to our members’ newsletter for March.

As always, much to share on Ramsgate Society activities and, if you have not seen it already, we hope you might be interested in an item seeking opinions on proposals for a new ‘identity’ for use in certain aspects of town publicity.

Terry Prue

New Developments on the Clock House and Pier Yard Revival

Inside the Maritime Museum. Photo: John Walker

1) Appointment of Project Architects

There were 13 responses to the inquiry for architectural services for the Clock House renovation project. The bids were carefully evaluated by Aecom, the Project Consultants, using two main criteria- quality and price. We were able to make a decision, but due to the requirement to notify the other bidders first, a formal announcement will be delayed until the end of March.

The architect’s remit will include three elements, The Clock House, Pier Yard, and the Smack Boys renovation project on the other side of the harbour. Other professional appointments will be made as the detailed design work proceeds.

2) The Clock House Focus Group

A Focus Group has been formed to work with The Society and TDC to deliver the Clock House and Pier Yard Project. The Group is made up of volunteers who have the experience and specialist skills to advise and help steer the project through to delivery. The Focus Group met for the first time on 24th February and discussed the scope of the project and how they would be able to support TDC and The Society deliver the best outcomes for the town. The Group is very supportive of the HLF Grant Application to be made on or before 25th May. With this in mind the Concept Plan and the Business Plan are currently being updated and the Group will meet again to review these important documents once the initial drafts are available

3) The Clock House Volunteers

The Ramsgate Society is very fortunate to have a group of over 20 dedicated volunteers who have kept the Museum open to the public for several years when it would otherwise have been closed. These volunteers will be the key people in the future running of the new Heritage Centre and their contribution to the long-term success of the project is going to be vital to the sustainability of our business model. The Volunteers will be involved at an early stage in the project so that their experience of running the museum can be factored in from the start. We plan to have a working meeting of the volunteers as soon as the revised Concept Plan and Business Plan are available for discussion. If you are interested in becoming part of the volunteer team then please email me.

4) Community Engagement Exhibition

Community engagement and support for The Clock House Heritage Centre is a vital component in the lasting success of the project. We feel it is really important that local people know what is proposed and how it will work. With this in mind we are planning to hold an exhibition in the Clock House during the Summer months of this year so that people can see what the vision is for this part of the historic harbour. We will be asking people for their views and comments which we will collate and evaluate as the project starts to take shape. Watch this space for further information.

John Walker

Ramsgate Hustings: Diary Date Thursday 20th April

The Ramsgate Society is organising a non-selective hustings in advance of the local District and Parish elections that will take place on May 4th.

Representatives from each of the main parties from all Ramsgate wards plus some independents will be invited to address potential voters about how they intend to work for and with residents to bring about change for the better.

The hustings will be held at the Oddfellows Hall
High Street
CT11 9TY
on Thursday April 20th from 6pm until 8.30pm.

Each candidate will be asked to speak for a few minutes.

Please encourage your friends, family and neighbours to come along to hear what candidates have to say.

You now need photo ID to vote. Find out more from The Electoral Commission here:

Sue Gyde

Get your free Eventbrite ticket

Ramsgate Buildings of the Year?

Have you been involved in the Building of the Year project?

The Ramsgate Design Awards 2023 organised by The Ramsgate Society together with Ramsgate Town Council are currently looking for nominations for this year’s awards in several categories. You can find full details on the Society website where you will also find the online nomination form.

Nominations close on April 14th, after which the judging panel, chaired by social artist, writer and Ramsgate resident, Dan Thompson will pick its favourites.

Winners will be chosen for the projects in each category for the quality of design, construction and contribution to Ramsgate’s delightful built environment. There will be an overall winner which will be selected as Building of the Year. Awards will be presented at a special event to be held during Civic Week in June.

Sponsors are also being sought to help promote the awards as widely as possible. Please contact us for more details.

Paul Shearer

Ramsgate Identity – A High Street Heritage Action Zone Project

As part of the Ramsgate High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) scheme, work has been undertaken to understand the current status of Ramsgate High Street and what can be done to re-engage local residents with the high street and support the success of local businesses and operators.

One of the recommended actions is to create an overarching ‘identity’ for Ramsgate, to be owned and used by the town, for the benefit of all.

Three narrative and visual proposals have been produced by a local team and three options are now open for voting by the public; they want to encourage as many people who live, work, study and love Ramsgate to vote for their favourite so we are passing on the link to vote in our newsletter.

Once the voting period is over, the chosen ‘identity’ will be rolled out across the town and a toolkit will be available to local businesses and organisations to utilise should they choose to. The chosen identity logo will not replace any existing logos or branding, but work alongside them to provide visual connection.

More details and register your preference

Terry Prue

Two Activity Reminders

1) Our March 26th Litter Pick

The Ramsgate Society are very pleased once again to be part of the annual Great British Spring Clean. Together with other local volunteer litter picking groups we want to make Ramsgate a place to be proud of, for both residents and visitors alike. We meet at Pier Yard by the Clock House Museum at 11am on Sunday March 26th

We will divide into groups and litter pick in both directions; east towards the Eastcliff chine and west through the harbour to the Westcliff chine. Just bring some strong gloves and everything else will be provided. Since beginning our litter picks the number of society members participating has increased year on year so let’s make this the best yet!

Everyone is welcome, family, neighbours and friends.

Register your attendance here

2) The Ramsgate Society visit to Goodnestone Park Gardens March 23rd

An hour’s tour of the gardens will be led by Paul Bagshaw, Head Gardener. After the tour members will be able to stroll around the gardens at leisure.

Refreshments are available at The Old Dairy Cafe but if you wish to have lunch then it is advisable to book.

email – Tel – 01304 695098

Goodnestone Park Gardens are near Wingham. Post Code CT3 1PL
Meet outside The Old Dairy Cafe at 11am.

Ticket costs £15.
This includes £12 entry to the gardens, head gardener’s tour and £3 to The Ramsgate Society to fund a range of events.

Click here for more details and to book tickets

Sue Gyde

Contact the Ramsgate Society

If you have any queries about or for the Society please get in touch

Members with events, workshops or news that you would like the Society to consider featuring in its newsletter please contact: