Some good news among all the climate gloom as the Ramsgate Society, in partnership with Ramsgate Town Council, has been successful in a grant application to the Marine Conservation Charity Sea-Changers to fund a water station to be installed at the entrance to Ramsgate Main Sands (by the existing shower at the back of the Royal Victoria Pavilion).

The water station provides clean, fresh water for people to refill their water bottles, rather than throwing empty bottles away, encouraging reuse and avoiding plastic waste. The funding from Sea-Changers covers the purchase of the water station. Thanet District Council will perform installation and maintenance together with RTC.

It is hoped the water station will be installed and operational in time for the upcoming Active Ramsgate Week.

TDC has also secured funding from Southern Water to install additional water stations, providing a total of two each in Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate including those obtained through grant funding. Many thanks to Lisa Collingwood, Beach and Coast Manager at TDC, for support and assistance.

Phil Shotton, Ramsgate Society Lead on Environment and Climate Change