On behalf of the Ramsgate Society, Phil Shotton made a submission to the National Grid before the January 12th deadline regarding the latest changes to the Sea Link proposal. You can read his email in full by following the link below.
He expresses gratitude for the advice provided by the Save Minster Marshes campaign in the preparation of this document and adds that If you feel that our rare wetlands and protected SSSI wildlife site should be preserved he urges you to join the campaign at https://www.minstermarshes.com/
His submission was copied to our local MP, Polly Billington, and we are encouraged by her supportive response, of which this is a small extract:
“Please rest assured that I will continue to engage closely with wildlife charities, community groups and National Grid to ensure that building the nationally important infrastructure intended to protect our precious environment doesn’t instead end up causing it permanent damage.”
You can read our full submission within ‘Linked Documents’ in the Archive section of this website or copy and paste this link: https://bit.ly/SubmissionJanuary2025