In 2017 Historic England (HE) signalled its recognition of the national importance of Ramsgate heritage as well as its vulnerability by designating the town a Heritage Action Zone (HAZ). That 5-year programme comes to an end in Spring 2022. As part of the programme HE chose Ramsgate’s central Conservation Area as the subject of a Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA). The subsequent 483-page Conservation Area Appraisal Report (currently in draft) was subject to public consultation that closed in December. The report comprises three main parts:

  1. Character appraisal
  2. Conservation Area Management Plan
  3. Guidance for carbon reduction and climate change adaptation.

The draft document is still available to view on the TDC website, just follow the link at:

This important document marks a milestone in understanding the nature, scale and value of individual heritage assets and their collective significance from a local, regional and national perspective.

The Ramsgate Heritage & Design Forum, an expert panel closely affiliated to the Society, responded to the consultation. While praising the quality of the work to date, it stressed that to make a difference on the ground, to implement even part of the Management Plan, additional professional and financial resources would be needed and that these would have to come from outside the already fully stretched capacity within TDC. Once a copy of their response is available, we will provide the link.

Richard Oades

Vice Chair