September monthly newsletter

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Dear <<First Name>>,
Welcome to the Ramsgate Society September Newsletter. This month we start with the Society’s presence at the Ramsgate Festival of Sound before moving on to activities from October that we hope you will want to join.

Ramsgate Society at the Festival of Sound

The Society presentations of the Rose Black Ramsgate-based book and Jayne Evelyn architecture walks both sold out, while the online launch of Historic England’s Ramsgate book attracted close to 100 participants. If you missed Rose Black her entire talk can be watched here.
You may also have seen that our noticeboard is currently being used to publicise the pop-up town trail of photographs from the Historic England book and to promote its sale at a discount price at Nice Things and the St Augustine Visitor Centre.

Photo: Terry Prue

Update on the Manston Judicial Review

Members will be aware that local resident and Chair of the Ramsgate Coastal Community Team, Jenny Dawes, has lodged an application for a Judicial Review of the Secretary of State’s decision to reject the recommendation of his own Examining Authority (EA) and to grant a Development Consent order for a cargo hub at Manston.
The application was lodged on 20th August and the Secretary of State had until 11th Sept to file an acknowledgement of service and indicate whether he wished to contest the claim. In his response on 11th Sept the Secretary of State effectively reiterated the government solicitor’s rebuttal to the applicant’s pre-application protocol letter i.e. that the Secretary of State was entitled to make the decision he made- so he did!
The Secretary of State will have some difficult challenges to overcome if he is to succeed in the High Court. After two years’ rigorous investigation, the Examining Authority (EA) (comprising a panel of four Planning Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State) reported that the airport would “have a material impact on the ability of Government to meet its carbon reduction targets”.
The EA also noted that, due to demand being met elsewhere, a new cargo airport is not needed, either locally or nationally. The EA said “the levels of freight that the Proposed Development could expect to handle are modest and could be catered for at existing airports” and that the would-be airport developer had amongst other things “failed to demonstrate sufficient need for the Proposed Development.”
The Treasury Solicitors now have 5 weeks to lodge their full Statement of Claim which will then go before a High Court Judge who will decide whether there are sufficient grounds for the Judicial Review Application to proceed. If so, the process could take several more weeks and possibly months and may be subject to further Appeal if either party is unhappy about the High Court Decision.
We will continue to update members as matters progress.
John Walker


Ramsgate Society Litter Pick “Chime to Chine” Sunday 11th October 10am to 12am

The Society will be organising one of our twice a year litter picks as members of the Ramsgate Litter Forum- a group of local community organisations who care about the adverse effect of litter on the quality of life of local residents- and are prepared to do something practical about it.
The previous litter pick planned for 4th April 2020 had to be postponed because of the Covid Lockdown but the latest government guidance allows us to go ahead on 11th October provided we take sensible precautions like social distancing, wearing face-masks and working in small groups. Specific guidance will be given to participants on the day when we assemble outside the Clock House (Maritime Museum) at 10 am. 
There will be a short Health and Safety talk which will include reference to the latest Covid 19 restrictions, most of which are common sense, but need to be observed. Highviz jackets, litter picks and sacks will be provided courtesy of Ramsgate Town Council and Thanet District Council.
From the Clock House we normally split up with some participants heading east along the Eastcliff as far as the Winterstoke Gardens and others heading west towards the West Cliff Chine and Courtstairs Park before returning to the Clock House by 12 noon.
We usually get a turnout of 30-50 people willing to help. The local Sea Cadets, Scouts and Guide Groups are brilliant but it would be good if we could get more Ramsgate Society Members to show their support by doing their bit on the day.
Do come and join us. It’s a very worthwhile activity and it’s also great fun.

Photo: John Walker


Ramsgate Conservation Area Tree Planting Project

This year, 2020, is the 50th Anniversary of the designation of the original Ramsgate Conservation Area in 1970 and the Ramsgate Society is planning to mark the occasion by planting 50 trees in the Conservation Area. In our August Newsletter we outlined the scope of the project and since then things have moved forward.
The total cost of the project is estimated to be around £7000 and earlier this month we received a grant of £2000 towards the costs from Ramsgate Town Council. This has enabled us to order the trees and the plan is to do the planting during National Tree Week 29th November – 6th December 2020. The Society has set aside money from its own projects account and further funding applications are awaiting decisions this month. Eight different species of trees have been selected for the suitability for the locations.
This is where you come in! We are very keen to ensure that this is a community based project so we have decided that the tree planting should be carried out by local volunteers and we are inviting people to come forward and help us plant these trees during National Tree Week. We very much hope that Ramsgate residents, young and old, parents and children will want to be involved.  
We will be holding a “drop in event” at Custom House on Saturday 10th October between  11am and 1pm to which everyone is invited. (Covid Restrictions will be observed) This will be your opportunity to look at the plans, see the sort of trees that will be planted, volunteer to help with the planting during National Tree Week and to sponsor your own tree if you would like to do so.
Our awareness of the effect of Climate Change and Global Warming is increasing and the benefits of planting trees is now much better understood, so please make a note in your diary to come along to the Custom House on 10th October between 11am and 1pm to meet the team and find out how you can help. 


Ramsgate in Bloom

Keeping with the theme of greening the town we congratulate the Something Fishy Little Arch Gallery as overall winners of the Ramsgate in Bloom competition. The town as a whole achieved Silver Gilt status in South and Southeast in Bloom – the second highest honour – leaving something higher to aim for next year. Learn more and/or help John Litchfield and the team go for gold in 2021.

Photo: Brian Whitehead

Pugin Week Online

Pugin Week, like so many other local activities, has had to go online this year. Three talks from St Augustine’s Church are free to access with the links below and Ramsgate Society members and friends are invited to watch any that appeal. 

The first one is Father Simon Heans’ talk on Pugin and Newman and their relationship.  
The second one is entitled ‘The Early Years of the Pugin Society’ 
The third is about the painting by Ferdinand Platner, in the St Augustine’s Visitor Centre. 

Members may also like to know that the new updated Pugin Town Trail, published by the Pugin Society, is now available in St Augustine’s. For current opening times at the church and all other information go to

Finally – A Word from the Editor of ‘Ramsgate Matters’

The next edition – free to Ramsgate Society members – is our Autumn Lockdown Special. Seven of the best new books all featuring Ramsgate are in the Autumn Magazine.
From a ‘Forbidden Wife’s’ abuse and royal bastardy 200 years ago, to ‘Blood’ the current dystopian novel ranking with Orwell, but funny, sexy, lyrical and moving.
How Terry Prue had to plan what could have broken the law, promoting the best of Ramsgate gothic horror in the ‘Unforgetting’ and how he hid the identity of another American author in retreat at Ramsgate. Brenda Blethyn offers the highest praise to a new story of the harbour, Janet Fielding responds to Historic England’s: ‘Town and Seaside Heritage’, and Richard Oades reveals little known photographic talent along with unknown coastal aspects. The Emeritus Professor of Social Policy at Kent University, Jan Pahl, reveals exactly how our quality of life is being damaged and threatened to a far greater extent than is realized.
Brian Daubney


Contact the Ramsgate Society 

If you have any queries about or for the Society please get in touch or please visit the Society’s website or please visit the Ramsgate Society Facebook page
Members with events, workshops or news that you would like the Society to consider featuring in its newsletter please contact:
Please do send your photos of Ramsgate to: