Many of our Members will be aware of the alarming increase in graffiti in Ramsgate over the last year or so. Not just in Ramsgate – huge parts of Thanet now seem to be subject to this form of anti-social behaviour and most people feel powerless to do anything about it.

This post is to draw attention to the campaigning work by a local Ramsgate resident, Lionel Jermy, who has been on the case for the past year or so and done sterling work investigating graffiti in Thanet.

As a result of his investigations Lionel has been able to supply a detailed Intelligence Report to Inspector Ian Swallow at Kent Police based in Margate.  In his letter to Ian Swallow Lionel gives the Police a detailed overview of the activities of the taggers and is a call to action. Please click on this link to see the Intelligence Report.

The work that Lionel has done could be much more effective if it becomes part of a collective effort to register concern about this form of anti-social behaviour and public nuisance. If you are prepared to help please consider writing to Inspector Ian Swallow at Kent Police, our two MP’s Craig MacKinlay  and Roger Gale, and the newly re-elected Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott. For Matthew Scott just click on this link to the OPCC Contact Form

John Walker