We are delighted to have ended the talks programme for 2023 on a particular high when we were able to reinstate the postponed presentation by Paul Lewis on ‘A Tale of Two Towns: The Seaside Life of Wilkie Collins’. Paul will be known to many as the presenter of ‘Money Box’ on Radio 4 but, probably less well known as Secretary of the Wilkie Collins Society.

As one member of the audience wrote (but I won’t embarrass her by naming): “Thank you for the most interesting and informative talk regarding Wilkie Collins. It made me aware of how many writers, publishers and people of note living in or visiting the area at that time. Paul Lewis was an excellent raconteur whose thorough research was greatly appreciated.Thank you Ramsgate Society for arranging the evening,”

I know we could not accommodate the number applying for tickets but Paul has provided an illustrated script which you can all read or download for free from the ‘Linked Documents’ section within the ‘Archive’ on this website.

Terry Prue