Our Work Continues on the Ramsgate Sea Front Shelters

Our Work Continues on the Ramsgate Sea Front Shelters

Many members will already know that back in 2011/12 the Ramsgate Society restored the 14 Listed seafront shelters with a grant of £450,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. At that time the Society was granted a 12-year lease on the shelters by Thanet District Council,...
Climate Matters: The Clock is Ticking

Climate Matters: The Clock is Ticking

In September’s Climate Matters I presented the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, launched in 2015 as an ambitious plan to transform the world by 2030. The 17 goals were broken down into 169 targets. Approaching the two-thirds point of this 15-year plan,...
Civic Voice Annual General Meeting 2024

Civic Voice Annual General Meeting 2024

On 7th December this year, on behalf of The Ramsgate Society, I attended a Civic Voice meeting in London when representatives of over 50 Civic Societies in England came together for their Annual General Meeting. Unfortunately, it was the weekend of the severe travel...
Litter Pick October 27th

Litter Pick October 27th

We had a very good litter pick earlier today – Sunday 27th October – supported by Ramsgate Town Council and Thanet District Council.   We were lucky with the weather and this helped us have a great turn out of approximately 40 volunteers, including...
Climate Matters: Turtles and Plastic

Climate Matters: Turtles and Plastic

For a change of subject and viewpoint, this month’s Climate Matters is a guest article from a local , Dr. Harrison Watler MRCVS describing his work with a sea turtle charity.   You may think that sea turtles are not part of our local marine fauna, but ocean...