The renovation of the Clock House, the Maritime Museum and the creation of a new town square in Pier Yard were part of the TDC grant application to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund for Ramsgate earlier this year. We heard in October that the bid, a total of £19.84 million, was successful.

The part of the bid that included the Clock House and Pier Yard was based on the scheme produced by the Ramsgate Society (RS) in 2016 and my understanding is that this is what TDC are planning to implement. 

Initially a meeting was arranged between TDC and RS for Friday 12th November to discuss the way forward but this had to be postponed as TDC had not at that time received the Terms and Conditions of the Grant from DCLG. These have now been received and there was an inception meeting between TDC and DCLG on Thursday 16th December after which things will be much clearer.

The meeting with the Ramsgate Society has now been rescheduled for Monday 6th January so we should be in a position shortly after that to let you know how TDC intends to take the project forward. We are assuming they will adopt a collaborative approach and that we will all be able to work together to deliver this much needed scheme. 

I will be in touch again once things start to take shape.

John Walker

Ramsgate Society Chair