Plans for East Cliff Shelter Renewal

Plans for East Cliff Shelter Renewal

Back in 2011/12 the Ramsgate Society restored the 14 Listed seafront shelters with a grant of £450,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. At that time the Society was granted a 12-year lease on the shelters by Thanet District Council, who own the asset, with an...
Update on Our Conservation Area Tree Planting

Update on Our Conservation Area Tree Planting

Photo: Maxine Morgan Photo: Maxine Morgan This time last year the Society embarked on a project to plant 50 trees in the Ramsgate Conservation Area to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the designation of the Conservation Area by TDC in 1970. Of the 50 trees initially...
Ramsgate Conservation Appraisal Report by Historic England

Ramsgate Conservation Appraisal Report by Historic England

In 2017 Historic England (HE) signalled its recognition of the national importance of Ramsgate heritage as well as its vulnerability by designating the town a Heritage Action Zone (HAZ). That 5-year programme comes to an end in Spring 2022. As part of the programme HE...