A warm welcome to The Ramsgate Society’s website
Since 1964, we’ve been dedicated to preserving and enhancing Ramsgate’s unique heritage and environment.
Here, you’ll find information about our ongoing projects, upcoming events, and ways to get involved in our community initiatives.
Explore our latest news, delve into Ramsgate’s rich history, and discover how you can contribute to making our town a better place for all.
Join us in celebrating and safeguarding the beauty and character of Ramsgate!
If you have any difficulties or questions, please use the ‘Contact’ page to get in touch.
Featured News
Civic Voice Annual General Meeting 2024
John Walker reports back from the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Civic Voice – the national organisation for civic societies in England that was founded in 2010 after the demise of the former Civic Trust.
Latest Post
Supporting the ‘Ramsgate Space’ attack on our Empty Shops
This recent publicity for Ramsgate Space CIC highlights a new initiative to tackle our blight of empty shops. Something we are keen to support.
Next Event
Chine to Chine Litter Pick
Ramsgate needs a Spring Clean! Join our litter pick on the cliff tops for a worthwhile event that is fun for all the family.
News and Projects
Nomination Form for Community Champion Awards 2024
The Ramsgate Society together with Ramsgate Town Council is proud to announce the Community Champion Awards 2024, an event...
Climate Matters: 1.5°C – Does It Really Matter?
You will have heard of the target to “limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels” but what is so special about 1.5°C and does it really matter?
Full Steam Ahead on the Westcliff Shelters
We have the materials but need help to paint the Westcliff shelters through the summer. Click to learn more and to see dates to volunteer your help.
Manston Airport: Court of Appeal Judgement
We now know the result of the appeal by Jenny Dawes to quash the DCO (Development Consent Order) granted by the Secretary of State for Transport but what happens next?
Minster Marshes National Grid Proposal
What next now the public consultation on this development is now closed and we await the National Grid’s response?
Southern Water Investment Plans
The Ramsgate Society welcomes Southern Water’s recent announcement of investment 2020-2025 of £427 million in Kent but is it really enough?
New Water Stations for Ramsgate
A new water station will provide clean, fresh water for people to refill their water bottles on the beach – encouraging reuse and avoiding plastic waste.
Another Successful Ramsgate Society Litter Pick
Our thanks to everyone who helped with our “Chine to Chine” litter pick as part of the Great Ramsgate Spring Clean 2024
Why Does Climate Change Matter to Us?
We cannot say this is not our problem. Climate change is real, damaging effects are getting worse and affect us all.
Gift Aid your Ramsgate Society Membership
Please Gift Aid your membership fee – it costs you nothing but adds 25% to our membership income.
Climate Matters: Reducing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Phil Shotton reviews ideas and plans for the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere but concludes it may be simpler to reduce consumption of fossil fuels
CLOCK HOUSE – the best jigsaw in Ramsgate!
It has taken time to remove obstacles but at last the team is in place and working vigorously on the regeneration of Clock House and Maritime Museum.
60 Years of the Ramsgate Society
John Walker opens the issue of the 60 year anniversary of the founding of the Ramsgate Society in 2024. Do you have memories of achievements to share?
Climate Matters and Staying Warm
Phil Shotton shares thoughts on ways to stay warm that have a lesser negative effect on the environment
Manston Airport Development Consent Order Leave to Appeal
Experts agree on lack of need and improbability of success for a new cargo hub at Manston but their analyses continue to be ignored in Government. What now? and why we support efforts to fund the Judicial Review.
THE CLOCK HOUSE – Small Steps are Good Steps
Small but significant steps mean the project is now moving in the right direction but there is still a long way to go.
Climate Matters January 2024 on COP28
Phil Shotton shares his thoughts about COP28 which ended on December 13th last year
Could You Step Up and Join Our Committee?
Could you join us as a trustee and committee member of the Ramsgate Society? Click ‘read more’ to learn more.
Clock House Regeneration – Still Alive and Kicking
Despite recent funding disappointments the critical work on the Clock House continues to move forward.
The National Grid ‘Sea Link’ Proposal and Local Environmental Concerns
Click to read more from our Climate Matters editor, Phil Shotton, on the Sea Link proposal and Minster Marshes