Southern Water Investment Plans

Southern Water Investment Plans

The Ramsgate Society welcomes Southern Water’s recent announcement of investment 2020-2025 of £427 million in Kent to “improve our performance”. That is less than £100 million per year and this has to be balanced against their appalling under-performance and...
New Water Stations for Ramsgate

New Water Stations for Ramsgate

Some good news among all the climate gloom as the Ramsgate Society, in partnership with Ramsgate Town Council, has been successful in a grant application to the Marine Conservation Charity Sea-Changers to fund a water station to be installed at the entrance to...
Another Successful Ramsgate Society Litter Pick

Another Successful Ramsgate Society Litter Pick

On 24th March the Ramsgate Society undertook another “Chine to Chine” litter pick as part of the Great Ramsgate Spring Clean 2024. This week-long event took place between 22nd and 30th March and formed part of the national campaign by Keep Britain Tidy....
Why Does Climate Change Matter to Us?

Why Does Climate Change Matter to Us?

One of the many ironies of the global climate crisis is that the nations and people most impacted are the nations and people least responsible for climate change. Since 1850, annual worldwide CO2 emissions have gone from 2.84 billion tonnes (bt) to 41.46 bt in 2022....
Gift Aid your Ramsgate Society Membership

Gift Aid your Ramsgate Society Membership

Did you know that you can claim Gift Aid on your annual subscription to the Ramsgate Society? Being a registered charity, The Ramsgate Society can reclaim from HMRC an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. That’s as long as you are a UK tax payer and make the...