Manston Airport Second Judicial Review

Manston Airport Second Judicial Review

The Society submitted detailed representations to the Secretary of State on the Redetermination of the Development Consent Order which had been quashed by the High Court. When redetermining the application the Secretary of State, having rejected the original advice of...
A Callout for Technical Help

A Callout for Technical Help

Full houses at our talks have become regular features and our next one on May 17th featuring Paul Lewis on the ‘Complicated Life of Wilkie Collins’ is already 100% booked. In response to requests made, we want to explore the possibility of recording and/or providing...
Renovating Shelters: When and where?

Renovating Shelters: When and where?

We are now active on the East Cliff and welcome volunteers to help with cleaning and renovation. As always,the weather has to dictate which days we manage to get out on the shelters so it is very difficult to have set days. If you can help, get in touch, and we will...
Manston: Second Judicial Review July 5th & 6th

Manston: Second Judicial Review July 5th & 6th

The future of the former Manston airport site has been a long running and controversial issue. The Society has conducted its own primary research and closely monitors the arguments for and against. The Society’s position was, and remains, firmly rooted in the...
Ramsgate Matters Spring 2023 out soon

Ramsgate Matters Spring 2023 out soon

All Ramsgate Society members should receive the next edition of our Ramsgate Matters bi-annual magazine over the next month. The mix of articles include reviews of the Society’s recent activities, a celebration of our open spaces and revelations about the...