by admin | Aug 21, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Terry, Welcome to our August newsletter and as we launch into the high summer season for Ramsgate visitors there are several activities coming up that we want to tell you about – some from us and some involving other local groups with which we have an affinity....
by admin | Aug 21, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Reader, Welcome to our July newsletter in a particularly busy month when we have already had a further judicial review on the proposed re-opening of Manston Airport and our own Society AGM. If you are looking for a review of the many areas of Ramsgate Society...
by admin | Jun 29, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Terry, Welcome to our June newsletter. The subject of our July talk has now been finalized and it is sure to be a big draw so I advise you to book early to secure a place. Terry Prue Our Next Talk: The Tall Ships and Ramsgate Harbour Photo: Michael’s Bookshop...
by admin | Jun 29, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Terry, Welcome to our May newsletter. Much to share with you, as always, and we hope to see you at our Climate Action Day on June 18th. Terry Prue Coming up soon: Join our Garden Tour at Walmer Castle, Deal on May 25th Photo: Irene Seijo We have organised...
by Terry Prue | Jun 29, 2023 | Newsletter
Dear Terry, Welcome to a rather ‘bumper’ edition of our monthly members Newsletter. We hope you find it informative and, if local, will be able to attend some of the many activities through the remainder of this month and into May. Terry Prue The Proposed Manston...
by Terry Prue | Mar 15, 2023 | Newsletter, Uncategorized
Hello, Welcome to our members’ newsletter for March. As always, much to share on Ramsgate Society activities and, if you have not seen it already, we hope you might be interested in an item seeking opinions on proposals for a new ‘identity’ for use in certain...