Peeling Back the Layers of History for the Old Fire Station

Peeling Back the Layers of History for the Old Fire Station

If you were lucky enough to be in the audience for the talk by Dianne Harvey-White on our Heritage Harbour, you will understand why we have invited her back to talk about her work for Ramsgate Town Council on a Conservation Management Plan for the Grade II designated...
Looping the Loop: Talk now postponed

Looping the Loop: Talk now postponed

Suzy Humphries set up Looping the Loop and will talk about current projects, the job of building the partnerships and funding needed to create new theatre work, and how we hope a revitalised Theatre Royal Margate may be possible. Looping the Loop was set up by charity...
Paul Lewis talk on Wilkie Collins

Paul Lewis talk on Wilkie Collins

This talk was planned for last May but had to be cancelled. We are now delighted to welcome the rearranged visit by Paul Lewis. Paul is probably best known as presenter of Radio 4 ‘Moneybox’ but he has also been Secretary of the Wilkie Collins Society for more than 20...
Booking Talks and Membership Costs

Booking Talks and Membership Costs

From November we will be charging a small fee of £2 for all talk bookings because we are no longer covering the costs involved. We hope this will not deter enthusiasm from members to attend. Non-members will still be asked to make an extra voluntary donation of £3 on...
Ramsgate Society Talk by Catriona Blaker on Jane Pugin

Ramsgate Society Talk by Catriona Blaker on Jane Pugin

The Ramsgate Society presents this talk by Catriona Blaker in support of the Ramsgate History Working Group’s ’23 for 23′ celebration which this year is drawing attention to twenty-three leading Ramsgate women, past and present. Jane Pugin is one...