TDC Local Plan Update The Elephant in the Room

TDC Local Plan Update The Elephant in the Room

The Ramsgate Society has responded to the invitation to comment on Thanet District Council’s proposals for a “partial” update of the Local Plan adopted in 2020, specifically those relating to the discussion paper “Development Strategy”. The Society recognises that a...
Chairman’s Review of 2021

Chairman’s Review of 2021

On behalf of your committee, I hope you had a very enjoyable Christmas. May we also wish you all a belated very Happy New Year.For many reasons, 2021 has been a difficult year for your Society, as it has been for many other civic societies. There have been repeated...
Levelling Up and the Clock House

Levelling Up and the Clock House

The renovation of the Clock House, the Maritime Museum and the creation of a new town square in Pier Yard were part of the TDC grant application to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund for Ramsgate earlier this year. We heard in October that the...