April 2024 Monthly Members Newsletter

April 2024 Monthly Members Newsletter

Dear XXXX, Welcome to the April Ramsgate Society Newsletter. We really welcome your support for our activities and, if you have not already done so, please give us permission to reclaim tax on your membership fees. It does not matter when you last paid because we can...
April 2024 Monthly Members Newsletter

December 2023 Monthly Members Newsletter

View this email in your browser Dear XXXX, Welcome to the December Newsletter and we send Christmas wishes and hopes for a new year that is personally satisfying and internationally more peaceful. Our seasonal illustration has resonance not only as the first Christmas...
April 2024 Monthly Members Newsletter

March 2023 Monthly Members Newsletter

  Hello, Welcome to our members’ newsletter for March. As always, much to share on Ramsgate Society activities and, if you have not seen it already, we hope you might be interested in an item seeking opinions on proposals for a new ‘identity’ for use in certain...
April 2024 Monthly Members Newsletter

February Monthly Members Newsletter

Hello, After a small lull in activities through the dark days of winter, our newsletter this month includes a rush of new events to tempt you to come out again. From talks to walks and subjects as diverse as heritage, nature and the environment. For those of you who...
April 2024 Monthly Members Newsletter

October 2022 Monthly Members Newsletter

Dear <<First Name>>, Welcome to our October newsletter and we start with three new activities planned for November – two from the Ramsgate Society and another, though not ours, that might interest many of you. Upcoming Society Events 1 FREE walking tour...