Old News
Manston Airport: Court of Appeal Judgement
We now know the result of the appeal by Jenny Dawes to quash the DCO (Development Consent Order) granted by the Secretary of State for Transport but what happens next?
Minster Marshes National Grid Proposal
What next now the public consultation on this development is now closed and we await the National Grid’s response?
Southern Water Investment Plans
The Ramsgate Society welcomes Southern Water’s recent announcement of investment 2020-2025 of £427 million in Kent but is it really enough?
New Water Stations for Ramsgate
A new water station will provide clean, fresh water for people to refill their water bottles on the beach – encouraging reuse and avoiding plastic waste.
Another Successful Ramsgate Society Litter Pick
Our thanks to everyone who helped with our “Chine to Chine” litter pick as part of the Great Ramsgate Spring Clean 2024
Why Does Climate Change Matter to Us?
We cannot say this is not our problem. Climate change is real, damaging effects are getting worse and affect us all.
Gift Aid your Ramsgate Society Membership
Please Gift Aid your membership fee – it costs you nothing but adds 25% to our membership income.
Climate Matters: Reducing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Phil Shotton reviews ideas and plans for the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere but concludes it may be simpler to reduce consumption of fossil fuels
CLOCK HOUSE – the best jigsaw in Ramsgate!
It has taken time to remove obstacles but at last the team is in place and working vigorously on the regeneration of Clock House and Maritime Museum.
60 Years of the Ramsgate Society
John Walker opens the issue of the 60 year anniversary of the founding of the Ramsgate Society in 2024. Do you have memories of achievements to share?
Climate Matters and Staying Warm
Phil Shotton shares thoughts on ways to stay warm that have a lesser negative effect on the environment
Manston Airport Development Consent Order Leave to Appeal
Experts agree on lack of need and improbability of success for a new cargo hub at Manston but their analyses continue to be ignored in Government. What now? and why we support efforts to fund the Judicial Review.
THE CLOCK HOUSE – Small Steps are Good Steps
Small but significant steps mean the project is now moving in the right direction but there is still a long way to go.
Climate Matters January 2024 on COP28
Phil Shotton shares his thoughts about COP28 which ended on December 13th last year
The National Grid ‘Sea Link’ Proposal and Local Environmental Concerns
Click to read more from our Climate Matters editor, Phil Shotton, on the Sea Link proposal and Minster Marshes
Free Illustrated Script from Paul Lewis
Paul Lewis has kindly provided an illustrated copy of his recent talk for free downloads.
Advent Doors 2023
Thanks to all who attended our Advent doors event despite the terrible weather.
Have you received the latest Ramsgate Matters?
Click below if you are a member and did not receive the pictured magazine.
Climate Matters: Sorting Fact from Fiction
There are many myths about why activities to reduce climate change should delayed or abandoned. We identify 10 such myths and present evidence to show they are wrong.
A Blue Plaque for Dame Janet Stancomb-Wills Unveiled by the Mayor
Our first female mayor and local benefactor honoured with a Blue Plaque at her home of East Court
Further Update on the Clock House
We are pleased to be able to report progress though there are still many hurdles to cross.
Booking Talks and Membership Costs
Membership fees unchanged but we must now charge a small fee of £2 to book talks
Building of the Year 2023 Awards
Click to read a report of the award ceremony and a list of all winners.
Heritage Open Days 2023
The 2023 Thanet Open Days start on 8th September. Click to read more and to see how to download the brochure of free events.
Could You Join the Ramsgate Heritage & Design Forum?
The RH&DF is a panel of experts with a shared interest in the built environment of Ramsgate. If you have the skills to join us please read on..
Manston Airport Second Judicial Review
John Walker reports from the further judicial review that took place in Court 2 at the Royal Courts of Justice over the 5th and 6th of July.
A Callout for Technical Help
Our events are frequently over-subscribed. Could you, or someone you know help us explore making videos or offering live video links?
Renovating Shelters: When and where?
Renovation of the Ramsgate Shelters proceeds apace. We need volunteer workers and this post will tell you how to stay in contact and know when and where we are working – always weather permitting!
Manston: Second Judicial Review July 5th & 6th
The second Judicial Review is now set. We review the background and the call for donations towards legal fees.
Ramsgate Matters Spring 2023 out soon
All Ramsgate Society members should receive the next edition of our Ramsgate Matters bi-annual magazine over the next month. Click for more information about content.
New Developments on the Clock House and Pier Yard Revival
Four new items to report on the way forward at the Clock House
News about The Clock House and Pier Yard January 2023
We continue to report on plans to renovate the Clock House and re-purpose Pier Yard and there are positive signs of movement forward for 2023.
Environment and Climate Change: What Can We Do?
Ramsgate Town Council recently formed a Climate Change Task Group. Click to see some simple energy saving measures.
Send Nominations Now for 2023 Design Awards
Nomination for our 2023 Design Awards are due by April 14th. Read more to see categories, judging criteria and link to the nomination form.
New Membership Drive Starts Now!
There is never a better time to join the Society with 15 months of membership for the ‘annual’ fee
Ramsgate Society Civic Awards for 2022
On November 12th at The Falstaff Hotel we presented this year’s Ramsgate Society’s Civic Champion Awards to The Ramsgate Town Technician Team in the community category and The Discovery Planet CIC in the education category.
The Goodwin Sands saved from dredging
A year ago we hosted a talk led by Joanna Thomson of the Goodwin Sands Preservation Trust which
included the threat from marine aggregate extraction to the Sands. Now that threat has passed!
More on Manston
For those of you following this important and long running saga, we provide an update as at 3rd November.
East Cliff Shelters: Work Has Started
Professional work has started on the East Cliff but we will soon be asking for volunteers too.
Granville Theatre: Now we know!
Finally we can welcome new owners of the Granville Theatre and their aims to renovate this community asset.
Latest on planned cargo hub at Manston Airport
The latest in the ever-changing saga of the planned cargo hub close to the town perimeter
Plans for East Cliff Shelter Renewal
We will be heading to the East Cliff shelters soon and volunteers welcomed.
Clock House and Pier Yard Update September 2022
Progress on the Clock House and Pier Yard redevelopment has been slower than we would have liked. Click below for an update by our Chair, John Walker.
The Maritime Museum and Stirling Castle Artifacts
On Monday 11th July two highly experienced conservators from the NMRM visited the Clock House and started the detailed work of cataloguing the Stirling Castle items in advance of the renovation of the Maritime Museum.
Vacancies on Ramsgate Society Committee
We meet monthly at 6pm and usually on the first Thursday of the month at the Custom House. There are two posts for which we hope to recruit new members. For the role of Honorary Secretary there will be an induction period working alongside our current Secretary whereas the Green Agenda Lead is a new post.
What’s Happening at the Granville Theatre?
The future direction for the now near-derelict Granville Theatre should be determined in a matter of weeks. UPDATE ADDED JUNE 25th
Ramsgate Matters Spring 2022
All Society members should now have received the Spring 2022 copy of our 'Ramsgate Matters' magazine. This bi-annual journal is included within the membership cost (See the 'Become a Member' section on the main menu of this website for details) but we include a...
Ramsgate Society 2022 AGM
The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Ramsgate Society took place on 19th May and included a review from the Chair of our activities in 2021
Civic Champions Awards 2022
The Ramsgate Society Committee is asking all members to nominate potential Civic Champions for 2022. Consider the criteria of the six categories and write a brief synopsis of why you think this person, team or organisation should be considered.
Ramsgate Port application by TDC provokes strong reactions
TDC plans for Berths 4/5 have been widely criticised. Click to see the response from The Ramsgate Heritage and Design Forum
Update on the Granville Theatre / Sandcastle Project
At time of writing the proposed takeover of the, now-closed, Granville Theatre by the Kent Film Foundation is not being supported by Thanet Council. We regret this and hope the strong community support for the plan will be successful.
Thanet Local Plan Update
Thanet District Council invited interested parties to submit their views as part of a consultation exercise for a ‘partial update’ of the Thanet Local Plan. An overview and a full copy of The Ramsgate Society response can be read on this site.
Save Our Seas
How could anyone argue that it remains acceptable to dump raw sewage into the sea? Our local swimmers and other concerned residents want as many people as possible to say this has just got to stop!